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Anchor 19

習作題目 Project Title
"The Curious Twins"


故事 Story

Rumors said the former building of the HK PolyU Innovation Tower was a morgue called “ 永別亭”, and The Curious Twins was two babies that who rest in there. Most of the time they are just standing behind people at the back staircase to observe what the people are doing, they are not harmful. But, when they saw people smoke in the back staircase, they will torture them till...


拍攝動機 Motive

是次拍攝為一份production 功課,內容是一分鐘、沒有剪接的影片,題材不限。一直以來School of Design 後樓梯是同學煲煙的熱門地點,本次影片為制造一個都市傳聞,令同學不敢再在後梯煲煙。雖然這段片肯定不會引起阻嚇作用,但至少會令同學每次走到空洞寂靜的後樓梯時,不自覺地往身後一看⋯⋯嘻嘻⋯⋯

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